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Интервю със Светлин Кърлов за първия български пълнометражен 3D филм

Posted on: 23.09.2015  |  By: Monnie BGArtClass  |  Category: Интервюта  |  Source:

Със Светлин Кърлов говорим за неговия филм, който е първият български пълнометражен 3D стереоскопичен приключенски филм.




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CINEMA 4D Release 13 | 27 септември, София

Posted on: 09.09.2015  |  By: irm  |  Category: Съобщения  |  Source:

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Студио Ivent - как се създава компютърна игра

Posted on: 05.09.2015  |  By: Monnie BGArtClass  |  Category: Интервюта  |  Source:

Специални гости на списание BG Art Class са Любомир Илиев и Георги Ракидов от студио Ivent, които разказват как се прави малка компютърна игра от още по-малък екип и какви са най-важните уроци, които се научават в процеса на създаването й.




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Интервю с Валентин Йовчев за списание BG Art Class

Posted on: 09.08.2015  |  By: Monnie BGArtClass  |  Category: Интервюта  |  Source:

Валентин Йовчев като специален гост в списание BG Art Class. Кликнете върху броя, за да го отворите на цял екран:




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Autodesk Team Live in Sofia

Posted on: 26.07.2015  |  By: Miroslav Stoyanov  |  Category: Съобщения  |  Source: Digital Media Technologies

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BonesPro 4.50 released

Posted on: 21.12.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

Bones Pro


BonesPro 4.50 released – skin paint and smooth tools


Following the numerous improvements and add-ons from the last releases, the 3d-io development team is proud to release a major update of BonesPro, the sophisticated skinning tool for Autodesk 3dsMax. BonesPro version 4.5 adds the production-proven fast and easy skin painting similar to ZBrush: artists can now paint weight adjustments in real-time and even smooth them out with the brush to achieve exact and elastic skin look & feel, just like using ZBrush / Mudbox.

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HOVER - 3d Architectural Visualization Challenge Winners!

Posted on: 24.11.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Новини  |  Source:


Announcement of the winners of the second Architectural Visualization Challenge


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High Quality Rendered 3D Games

Posted on: 29.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Вдъхновение  |  Source: graphicmania

30 High Quality Rendered 3D Games


Through the history of the 3D rendering technology, you will notice that the 3D render got more ability to create higher quality rendered models, shadows and light than the real time render used in 3D game industry. The main reason is that the real time render depends on the computer display card capabilities.

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High-End Stock 3D Characters now feature facial animation

Posted on: 10.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Новини  |  Source:



Rocketbox Libraries’ latest release now provides developers and studios with an easier implementation of AAA quality characters into their products.


Rocketbox Studios GmbH, specialized in 3D characters and animations, has just released Complete Characters HD - this 3D model library is a collection of highly realistic animated human characters. A key feature of these new generation character models is their facial bone rig, making them much more lifelike and believable than competing stock models on the market. A wide collection of facial expressions including emotions and phonemes for lip-synced speech are already included.

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CopperCube 2 Released

Posted on: 08.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:



CopperCube, the editor for creating Flash 3D, WebGL and Windows/Mac OS X 3D applications has just been released in version 2. The new release includes Game AI behaviors, fullscreen mode for Flash, WebGL improvements, layers and folders, undo/redo functionality for the editor, new actions and a lot more.

CopperCube is ideal for creating 3D viewers, educational programs, architectural visualizations, military simulations, product configurators, games, e-learning applications and 3D prototypes.
Download here.

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